
“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world”
– Margaret Mead

We rely on volunteers to support our work in a wide variety of ways, including supporting our fundraising events, coordinating Bear Hugs, serving on committees, and acting as ambassadors for Bear Necessities in the community. Our volunteers empower our mission. If you are interested in contributing your time and talent, we would love to have you. To learn more, please contact us at [email protected] or 312-214-1200.

volunteer opportunities

Bear tie ball

Our premiere fundraising event, black-tie gala

bear tie ball

Help with set up & tear down, raffle ticket sales, registration, live and silent auctions

golf for the bear

Our annual golf outing

Golf for the bear

Help with set up & tear down, hole challenges, auction and raffle

Walk for the bear

Our annual virtual or in-person walk

Walk for the bear

Help with set-up, tear down, registration, t-shirts, race guide

bear hug givers

Help kids feel like kids again

Bear hug givers

Coordinating Bear Hugs for patients and their families


Help with our events & causes


Bear Tie Ball Committee, Golf Committee, Walk Committee, Fundraising Committee


Build your resume while helping the cause


Bear Necessities offers internships to current college students. Experience the nonprofit world with us and receive school credit. Internships will be available throughout the year; positions are limited.

help make kids feel like kids again.